September 9, 2024




Gynecology and Obstetrics


The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gulab Devi Hospital is a fully functional unit providing.

Obstetrics and Gynecology services to women from all spectra of life. The Department is currently being head by Prof. Muhammad Tayyab and consists of two units. The outpatient clinic is consultant led and conducted six days a week with an average of 60 patients being registered every day. Admissions to the ward are done on OPD and emergency basis as well, including antenatal and gynecological patients for evaluation, monitoring and elective and emergency surgeries. The indoor consists of 80 beds arranged in separate emergency, antenatal, postnatal, gynecology preoperative,
postoperative and high dependency wards. These include admission, clinical services (evaluation and procedures), nursing services, investigations, medicines, meals and hospital stay.


Our mission is to develop various components of doctor-patient relationship including the in-depth medical knowledge and skills, observable demonstration of sympathy, objectivity and professional conduct with critical attitude towards medical literature and research work.


The prime vision of our teaching program in obs-gyne is to enhance and direct the development of young medical doctors so that they can serve with distinction. The core program will be based on acquisition, storage and retrieval of knowledge, clinical and academic skills and essential human qualities of empathy to produce safe and efficient doctors.

Our Doctors


Antenatal booking, investigation and monitoring

All Obstetrical procedures including C-section and Normal/instrumental Delivery

All kinds of services for commonly occurring Gynecological issues

Gynecological surgeries, major and minor

24 hours emergency Labor Room service